Target the right customer with the new Biano pixel

Lukáš Horák
7. 4. 2020
2 minutes read

The housing oriented comparison engine Biano comes with a useful tool for its Romanian, Czech, and Slovakian markets. Biano pixel allows stores to customize product display based on customer preferences. See how you get it for your store.

The housing oriented comparison engine Biano comes with a useful tool for its Romanian, Czech, and Slovakian markets. Biano pixel allows stores to customize product display based on customer preferences. See how you get it for your store.

Navigate customers to your brand

Biano pixel brings a solution that simplifies the choice of products for purchasers. It is based on monitoring a customer’s favorite brands, shops, or prices. The service targets especially buyers who have already purchased or have not completed their purchase in the online store. Therefore, the Biano pixel helps you reach potential customers and increases the likelihood of making a purchase.

Advantages of the Biano pixel:

  • Helps increase store revenue and conversions
  • Makes the shop visible at Biano
  • Minimizes cost per order
  • Targets customer based on preference
  • Doesn’t show products that have high traffic but few conversions
  • Focuses on new customers who have a similar choice to those who have already purchased from you

How does the Biano pixel work?

  1. The customer has viewed the product, and in the store, which has activated Biano pixel, he has eventually saved it to the favorites.
  2. The order of products at the Biano website will then be adapted to the parameters of previously viewed or purchased products.
  3. The assortment is personalized and thus increases the overall performance of the online store advertising.

A simple implementation for every store

Biano pixel can be implemented for any store, and the whole service is free. The first step is to get a unique code, the so-called Merchant ID. To get it, just send a request to the local Biano support, which will generate it for you. You can then implement this code into your Google Tag Manager or follow the programmer’s instructions.

Do you advertise at Biano? Using the Biano pixel will increase your chances of reaching your target customers. And don’t forget — quality product images sell efficiently. Pay attention to their status and learn to set them using the Feed Image Editor app.

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Lukáš Horák

Lukáš takes care of most of the Czech and English communication in Mergado. Through blogs, e‑mail, and social networks, he regularly supplies readers with e‑commerce news and news and tips from Mergado. In his time off, he enjoys simple things like badminton, digging the hidden gems of the 80’s, and seafood served with red wine.