Maybe you wonder why we reguire so much personal information about you during registration even in a case you only want to try the application. You shouldn’t be worried — read more.

How user accounts in Mergado work

Same like Google, the user registers. Then you can import your product feeds and create exports for different comparison shopping services. Or you can get access to them from other users. Creating a user account in Mergado is free, you pay only after you create your first export based on the number of items in the feed. To find out how much you will pay please see our pricing

Why do I need to provide so much information?

Because we need this information to be able to fulfill our contractual obligations. And if you agree to receive a regular newsletter, you don’t need to worry about receiving spam. Mergado does not send drivel — when we send something, it’s important. For example, in case we want to remind you that your store is not working. For more information on the processing of your personal data, please visit the Information on the processing of personal data page. 

Plea for correctness

Please insert the correct information. A common problem is that the customer wonders why he does not get invoices and his store is, therefore, turned off. And then we find out that the contact e‑mail looks something like “”. So make sure all information is correct and up-to-date. We are looking forward to our cooperation! Please continue with creating your account.

Pan Mergado

Pan Mergado je největší dříč v našem týmu. Maká ve dne i v noci, aby byla data e‑shopů v tom nejlepším pořádku a přinášela užitek. Zde na blogu píše návody, zprávy i své vlastní názory. No ano, je to virtuální postava, ale my ho máme rádi. Fakt.