Automated B2B campaigns at Google Ads

Automatization is currently a hot topic and it’s an absolute must, too. Especially within Google Ads, as the platform itself suggests the automatization via its smart bidding campaigns. Most of the manuals and methods are written for e‑shop purposes. Although we may optimize the campaigns via automated processes in B2B marketing, too.

Automatization is currently a hot topic and it’s an absolute must, too. Especially within Google Ads, as the platform itself suggests the automatization via its smart bidding campaigns. Most of the manuals and methods are written for e‑shop purposes. Although we may optimize the campaigns via automated processes in B2B marketing, too.

For automatization purposes MERGADO Editor is to be used. It generates the CSV feeds for DSA campaigns in its basic version. This gains XML data from the site map along with the data from Google Analytics through Google Sheets. Thanks to the connection of two data channels a high variety of logical rules is offered and herewith it’s possible to create the structure of your DSA campaign. The rest of optimization, like exclusion of inappropriate search requests, is managed via scripts directly on Google Ads platform.

To make this work following action is required: connect the XML site map to MERGADO; move site map to format of Google DSA campaign; export data from the analytics tool (e.g., Google Analytics); import data to MERGADO; create custom labels for the final structure of the campaign.

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  1. What’s the advantage of this method
  2. Create the logic of the optimization
  3. Connect the web structure to MERGADO
  4. Clean the data before you begin
  5. Prepare the data from Google Analytics
  6. Process the data from Google Analytics
  7. Pair the data of Google Analytics to MERGADO
  8. Prepare the final export to Google
  9. Export feed to Google Ads
  10. Google Ads setting for DSA campaign
  11. Compilation structure setting
  12. What’s next with the campaign
  13. Advices, tips and tricks

What’s the advantage of this method

This procedure is to be applied not only within Google Ads but also for online stores. This method is useful for advertising systems, price comparison websites and as well for internal evaluation of performance or audit processing. The source of the data is quite variable, you don’t need to rely on Google Analytics only. It is possible to connect also other sources, e.g. those from CRM. By that, you may define the priorities also according to other values, like stock level, margins, etc.

Create the logic of the optimization

It’s important to begin with the definition of the desired outcome. Based on that, you prepare all data, campaigns including. In our case we work with logic to support those web pages which combine the best conversion ratio with the high visitor’s traffic. As there’s never enough data, the evaluation is done in a 30 day time span. For those web pages without a sufficient amount of data, it is recommended to set the highest priority, so the data is collected. Also, we prefer to prioritize all web pages from the given category.

Connect the web structure to MERGADO

To create the connection, we use the site map file contained by web page and online store, which should be updated regularly. For that no adjustments are needed, MERGADO has its own converter which ensures the correct data format on the output.

MERGADO also detects the sitemap.xml format so we may continue to the next step:

In the next step we need to define the format manually. In this case we want the Google Ads DSA.

This is the last step of importing from the web page. The rest is managed by the converter.

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Clean the data before you begin

In some cases you might wish to send only certain web pages to the advertising account. Those to be omitted are landing pages, blogs or some tests. This may be defined right at the beginning, where you simply won’t add those pages to the entry feed.

For that, you need to do the data query based on the logic of the URL page:

To exclude the URL from the output, we may use the predefined option via setting the particular rule:

Prepare the data from Google Analytics

We may use different methods to import data from Google Analytics to Google Sheets. We may go for external applications or use add-ons within Google Sheets. Advanced users may prefer Big Query. In our particular case, we’ll use the integrated extension from the Google Sheets – the add-on.

First of all, we need to add the add-on to Google Sheets. We do that via folder Extensions -> Add-ons -> Get Add-ons. This will open a list of all related applications where you look for the Google Analytics extension and you choose the one with the most installations:

Once you process the installation and authorization, it’s included in the offer:

After selecting ‘create report‘, you’ll see an offer with detailed specification of data you wish to receive from Google Analytics. The specification you’ll choose should be in line with how you wish to edit the data. It’s possible to change the settings later, if needed. Based on the already specified strategy we’ll prepare the dimension ‚page‘ and related metrics: sessions, bounce rate, conversion rate.

Subsequently, a configuration sheet is created, where we can further edit the obtained values. Data age, metrics, filters, segments and much more can be changed:

At last you set the automatic update of data in extension of the add-on:

Process the data from Google Analytics

The initially generated report shows some extra data which are not relevant. Therefore it’s necessary to create a custom list and refer to the desired values. In the new sheet, we can then make categorizations and other calculations, according to which we will proceed further:

Pair the data of Google Analytics to MERGADO

Google Sheets allow you to publish your data in different formats. The most suitable for MERGADO is the CSV file:

You need to choose the correct data and format before publishing. We do not desire to publish the whole file, but only the list with adjusted data:

We copy the generated link and insert it to MERGADO. Here we need to create the rule ‘data file import‘.

Prepare the final export to Google

Once we have all data sources and value definitions ready, we may proceed to the last step, which is amending the ‘custom label‘ element. Here we enter data calculated in Google Sheets. Next we need to hide all unnecessary elements in order to avoid the import to be declined by Google Ads. Once all data is cleared and adjusted we may send the export feed of MERGADO to Google Ads and connect it to certain campaigns.

Export feed to Google Ads

Click on the tab ‘Tools and settings‘ in the main menu and select ‘Setting‘ and ‘Company data‘.

Once you select this option it will generate a list of all data sources, which will be in most cases almost empty. Via the blue ‚+‘ symbol we add a new list of web pages.

Next we need to set the source. We choose https as we export the feed from MERGADO. This source may be renamed, if needed. Now you need to copy the address where the data is stored.

Don’t forget about the rules

Whilst we prefer this to be really automated we need to ensure the data is regularly updated, in Google Ads, too.

Once the source is processed you’ll see it in the list of files:

When you click on the mentioned list of files you’ll enter the setting directly where you may manage the schedule:

Please choose the only available option ‘create the schedule‘. You’ll get the list where you enter source and frequency. As in this case we deal with a bigger data amount, we choose ‘each 24 hours‘.

Google Ads setting for DSA campaign

Now we may create the search campaign, where the dynamic ads are to be set. This item is named ‘dynamic ad setting in search‘. No need to create a new campaign. It is possible to adjust this setting by all search campaigns.

For this setting you need to fill in several attributes. First of all it’s the web domain where the ads will be directed. Next it’s language to be set:

Pokud máte více jazyků, vytvořte si více kampaní, kde každá bude pracovat s jiným jazykem. Ostatní nastavení je zcela totožné.

It is important to choose the second option in the source of targeting. Meaning we need to use only the offered list of sources where we choose our file we previously uploaded.

Compilation structure setting

One of the final steps is to create the structure of compilation following the logic we set at the beginning.

Here we need to fill in the name and custom label form MERGADO. In this particular case category 1 is filled in.

U menších webů by měla stačit základní kategorizace, kterou jsme si prošli návodem. U větších webů je vhodné využívat kategorie také dle typu obsahu/​služby, aby se dala upravit reklama cíleně. Tím dosáhnete výrazně lepších výkonů.

What’s next with the campaign

In this particular case, I have divided the web pages to 5 categories, meaning I have 5 separate compilations by which I may follow the performance progress. The more significant the category is, the more I am willing to pay for advertisement.

Though this process is fully automated, it’s highly recommended to validate results and the whole process, too. Absolutely crucial is the influence of the rule which divides the web pages to certain categories. In case the 3rd category gets more sufficient results than the 1st category, then we need to make sure the query is done by the correct logic. We also may have issues with the performance itself. In that case it’s recommended to double check the rule for category and also verify, if you do not overpay for the click through.

Advices, tips and tricks

Test it!

I recommend creating A/B tests, where you’ll compare results between bidding and aiming for CPA (price for conversion). If you’re capable of assigning the value of conversion, feel free to work with tROAS, too.

But do not limit your effort to bidding only. Work with the wording of advertisement and its extensions.

Don’t forget to test your formula for sorting of web pages to categories. It’s possible you won’t get the desired result with the first try. As you are allowed to have several exports from MERGADO please pay attention to defined search inquiries among the campaigns so they do not exclude each other.


The correct setting through the whole process of automatization is absolutely crucial. It is therefore necessary to continuously evaluate the results and amend partial steps until all settings are optimal.

You may perform the optimization on the level of formula, MERGADO or your Google account. E.g., you may add more categories in order to ensure a higher level of segmentation. On the level of Google, you may change the targeting, regions, equipment, price for click through, etc.

Extra tips and tricks

From time to time you might need to intervene manually. For this purpose, create the ‘extra custom label‘ at MERGADO. Via this tool you may exclude specific web pages and assign to them preferred advantage, or fully exclude them.

Do not settle with centralization of two sources only. Add the CRM data with performance for particular services. By that you may for example optimize the seasonal preference.

In case the demand has risen due to market changes you may as well apply the scales for your campaigns.

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Petr Pluhař is an online marketing freelancer. He specializes in PPC advertising with an overlap into web analytics and SEO. It helps e‑shops in expansion and sales in foreign markets.

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Lukáš Horák

Lukáš takes care of most of the Czech and English communication in Mergado. Through blogs, e‑mail, and social networks, he regularly supplies readers with e‑commerce news and news and tips from Mergado. In his time off, he enjoys simple things like badminton, digging the hidden gems of the 80’s, and seafood served with red wine.