Omnichannel marketing is recently another often-discussed topic. Its name suggests it is a multi-channel strategy you need for advertising, even in Hungary. Expanding into a foreign market takes a lot of energy and challenges, but Mergado helps with many of them.

Omnichannel marketing is recently another often-discussed topic. Its name suggests it is a multi-channel strategy you need for advertising, even in Hungary. Expanding into a foreign market takes a lot of energy and challenges, but Mergado helps with many of them.
What to prepare if you want to expand properly
- keyword analysis — a proper keyword analysis can save you a lot of money, with it, you can structure your website correctly but also target your campaigns
- an overview of major marketing channels that you must not miss
- the structure of shopping engines and marketplaces
- an overview of your competitors and their activities — you don’t have to invent everything yourself, this analysis often reveals several local specifics that help with the overall performance
- local specifics: shipping, payment gateways, texts, etc.
Why Mergado saves time and nerves
Once your online store is ready, the biggest challenge is connecting all the comparison price sites. It is because every site has slightly different product feed requirements. While most systems are similar, there are almost always some differences in the setup, primarily in the category tree. You usually have to do this several times and then optimize everything. In Hungary, Mergado supports the 15 largest advertising channels, but there are many more.
It is feed management that is the biggest challenge. If you already know the feed formats, start editing them. The stumbling block is to directly communicate with the programmers, which creates a lot of stress on both sides. That’s why it’s better to manage feeds through Mergado, which saves you a lot of grumbling when writing an email. Plus, you can use several extension apps for better campaign performance.
Tip for optimizing your work in Mergado
If you already have more experience with feed management, you may not need to edit each feed individually 15 times. You can prepare an input feed, which you then put into the converters for each format. For example, you want to hide all sold-out items, all products from a given category, or all too cheap products in the initial feed.
Marketing tip for Hungary
With its growth, Hungarian e‑commerce is a promising market for expansion. At the same time, there is not yet as much competition as in Germany, for example, and the advertising prices are not as high. Due to the geographical location, it works out well to send orders from the Czech Republic. So you don’t have to set up warehouses locally. On the other hand, it has many local specifics, so not every product is going to be sold in that market. That is why I recommend doing thorough analysis before entering.

Petr Pluhař is an online marketing freelancer. He specializes in PPC advertising with a focus on web analytics and SEO. He helps online stores to expand and sell in foreign markets.
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Lukáš Horák
Lukáš takes care of most of the Czech and English communication in Mergado. Through blogs, e‑mail, and social networks, he regularly supplies readers with e‑commerce news and news and tips from Mergado. In his time off, he enjoys simple things like badminton, digging the hidden gems of the 80’s, and seafood served with red wine.