Use the Feed Image Editor to enlarge low-resolution images

One of the most common problems you encounter when advertising on comparison engines is the low resolution of product images. You had to look for replacement photos to avoid your products being disapproved because of insufficient image dimensions.

One of the most common problems you encounter when advertising on comparison engines is the low resolution of product images. You had to look for replacement photos to avoid your products being disapproved because of insufficient image dimensions. That is no longer the case. Increase the resolution of the original images with the new Feed Image Editor feature.

Quality resolution is crucial

Although the comparison engine will accept products for advertising because their resolution is at the lower limit of its specification, another problem may arise. Their quality may still be poor, and buyers will not see them clearly in the menu. It is one of the most common reasons why they may lose interest in the offer and start looking at the competition.

With Feed Image Editor, you can get rid of product advertising errors in bulk

You can detect all the problematic parts of image advertising with a free image audit. In addition to detecting them, it will also provide you with tips on how to fix errors directly in the application. In the Feed Image Editor, you can improve their resolution at once. And if necessary, change their format, remove watermarks or add images where they are missing. And nothing will stand in the way of your quality image advertising.

How to improve image resolution using the Feed Image Editor

  1. In the Feed Image Editor, click the New Template button.

  1. In the Template Gallery, select Image Resolution Enhancements. The Feed Image Editor first analyzes whether your feed contains low-resolution images (up to 600 x 600 pixels). If it finds some, it will offer you previews of them in the Resolution Improvement Samples.

  1. To preview the enhancements, select several images from the thumbnails and click Generate Thumbnails. After the process, you will see the original and enhanced image side by side.

  1. If you are satisfied with the result, select the product query to which you want to apply the enhancement in the right panel. If your query includes low-resolution and high-resolution images, it doesn’t matter at all. Resolution enhancements will only apply to images that are smaller than 600 x 600 pixels.

  1. Then select the ad system’s output format in the format settings. Finally, be sure to name and save the template.

Feed Image Editor is a powerful weapon in the hands of online store operators and marketers. With it, they comprehensively create engaging image advertising. Join the app users who manage images automatically and in bulk and experience the benefits of Feed Image Editoru for the first ten days for free.

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Lukáš Horák

Lukáš takes care of most of the Czech and English communication in Mergado. Through blogs, e‑mail, and social networks, he regularly supplies readers with e‑commerce news and news and tips from Mergado. In his time off, he enjoys simple things like badminton, digging the hidden gems of the 80’s, and seafood served with red wine.