Before the end of the year we add another sweet app to the Mergado Store. It’s Merging Mole, which removes extra product variants from the product XML feed. Let us introduce our Mole little closer.

Before the end of the year we add another sweet app to the Mergado Store. It’s Merging Mole, which removes extra product variants from the product XML feed. Let us introduce our Mole little closer.

How to link variants using Merging Mole app

Imagine you sell goods (typically lingerie) that has several variants, but their product images look the same and differ only in size. If you advertise these variant products on search engines, you need to merge them in your online store’s XML. So that only one — the most beneficial — variant remains. That’s exactly what Merging Mole can do. Quickly, clearly and automatically.

How Merging Mole works

  1. First you select a product query, to which should the options merging be applied. All queries created in Mergado are available. So the merging can be applied to either all product items in the feed or to some of them only.
  2. Then select an attribute that is used to search the product options and which of these options is to be kept.


One of the most common examples of using Merging Mole is linking by a price in the PRICE_VAT attribute. If you choose the Mole is to keep the cheaper item, the app keeps the cheaper item in the output feed and hides the more expensive item.

Examples of attributes that can be used to search for options

  • URL
  • Product names, e.g. PRODUCT, PRODUCTNAME etc. ITEMGROUP_ID
  • other attributes from the input feed

Examples of attributes that can be used to decide which option to keep

  • Price, e.g. PRICE_VAT, PRICE…
  • Image, IMGURL
  • other

Examples of hidden options in practice

  • Launch campaigns on fashion channels that don’t accept product options.
  • Product campaigns on Facebook; it is possible to use in combination with Feed Image Editor app.
  • other examples

Make linking product variants easier by Merging Mole. It is another Mergado app, which has been created to speed up partial processes to get as much time as possible for complex strategy setting. Similar apps are Cronny Cuckoo or Pairing Bear — try them out. Soon you will see that they will make your Mergado using easier for you.

Lukáš Horák

Lukáš takes care of most of the Czech and English communication in Mergado. Through blogs, e‑mail, and social networks, he regularly supplies readers with e‑commerce news and news and tips from Mergado. In his time off, he enjoys simple things like badminton, digging the hidden gems of the 80’s, and seafood served with red wine.