A brand new app has joined the Mergado app family. Cronny Cuckoo is a sweet and simple app that will enable or disable any rule for you based on your set schedule. This way you can automate your product campaigns even further and save your valuable time.

A brand new app has joined the Mergado app family. Cronny Cuckoo is a sweet and simple app that will enable or disable any rule for you based on your set schedule. This way you can automate your product campaigns even further and save your valuable time.

How Cronny Cuckoo works

  • Every hour, the app will check your rules in Mergado and based on your settings either enable or disable them.
  • The change will take effect only after the next rule application in Mergado.

Ready to give Cuckoo a try? Don’t forget that the changes will take effect only after the next rule application in Mergado. So if you need your data changed at 5pm for example,  make sure to set the cron in advance.

Not sure how to setup the Cronny Cuckoo app?

Check out our tutorial video:

By automating your product campaigns you will always be one step ahead. Activate the Cronny Cuckoo in our Mergado Store and get a 15-day free trial. And let us know your feedback at mergado@mergado.com.

Radim Zhoř

  • He has several years of experience in e‑commerce.
  • He works as a Business Development Specialist and Head of Support at Mergado technologies, s.r.o., where he helps to market the Mergado product management tool.